Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Next New

For me its kind of hard to think of something that would be the next new thing. Because I feel like so many new things are happening all of the time, so to come up with an idea that no one has thought of already when I'm not in that head space or market will be difficult.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wiki so far

I have not added to the Wiki yet but I want to add to the section about social networking and I was going to use some of the research that I used on my term paper. 


File sharing is when you provide access to certain digital media such as multimedia (videos, audio and images), documents, ebooks and computer programs. P2P is using a specific network to share from peer to peer, for example the torrent sites. One example of P2P sharing like mentioned in the article "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios" is people sharing illegal copies of movies that are out in theaters. Using P2P sharing it is much easier to get files that you would not have been able to get before. P2P sharing definitely has its positives if you're on the side where you are trying to get something, not so much for large companies. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


I feel like one of the biggest risks when it comes to new media is someones privacy. We are asked to put in our personal information such as our name address and birthday almost overtime you are asked to sign up to something. Even on Facebook there is a way for them to find out if the name that you are using is real or not. Besides inputting information ourselves, so many people put so much of their business out there. And although there are privacy settings in place for a lot of things there are still ways that people can get around that. There are even sites such as spokeo where people are able to look you up and can pay to get all of your private information such as phone number and address. Its very scary how quickly someone can just tap into your life. But I do feel like more security measures are being taken, for example they are now changing debit and credit cards to now have security chips because it is so easy to get the information off of cards and steal peoples information. Hopefully issues of privacy diminish as time passes.


My advice for Baruch College when it comes to using new media, is to stay connected as much as possible when it comes to their students. They can use social media to interact with the students and prospective students to answer any questions they may have right away. So instead of them having to search for answers or call to ask questions they can interact with the social media accounts. The social media accounts would also be great for updates about events that are happening on campus. There could also be a forum where students are able to connect with each other. The most important thing to gain from new media is the fact that is the best source to stay connected.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Blog about Twitter

When having a discussion on twitter I feel like it is easier to let your ideas out then when being in a classroom and you are able to direct your thought to exactly who you want to respond to without it being up in the air for everyone to come for you all at once. Also while being in a classroom the spotlight is somewhat on you and if you are shy or afraid of public speaking you are more than likely not going to speak in front of the whole class. As far as a blackboard discussion, I feel like when you post on blackboard you have no idea if someone is going to look at what you posted or if someone will even respond. With Twitter you have a real response time and are able to go back and forth within a conversation.

Creativity and New Media

For me New Media is a great way to showcase my photography. For example I have a website where I am able to show all of the work I want to showcase. I also have a pinterest, Instagram and tumblr where I am able to interact with people who are interested in my work.  

The link to my website is and I am on all of the social network accounts mentioned above under the same name. 

Without new media I would not have a platform to show my digital photography at all. And for that I am very grateful.