Sunday, April 3, 2016

Blog about Twitter

When having a discussion on twitter I feel like it is easier to let your ideas out then when being in a classroom and you are able to direct your thought to exactly who you want to respond to without it being up in the air for everyone to come for you all at once. Also while being in a classroom the spotlight is somewhat on you and if you are shy or afraid of public speaking you are more than likely not going to speak in front of the whole class. As far as a blackboard discussion, I feel like when you post on blackboard you have no idea if someone is going to look at what you posted or if someone will even respond. With Twitter you have a real response time and are able to go back and forth within a conversation.


  1. Those are some very interesting points. My own blog post on this topic was a complete opposite. However, your post has brought up great points that have changed my mind about Twitter. I belive that you're right that it is easier to share on Twitter than in a classroom because there's no one around you to make you nervuous and make you second guess yourself. On Twitter, it is also easier to collect your thoughts than in a classroom because you are not constrained by time.

  2. I really agreed with this post, classroom discussions can be intimidating for some people as it can cause shyness but Twitter is helpful because one is able to talk through a screen.

  3. I like how you played the factor of shyness on why people may turn to Twitter as a way to communicate. I agree on your point that people can not handle face to face conversation because of the aniexty they feel. Especially now that we can experience a classroom experience through our computer shows how New Media has changed our perception of school and the modern day classroom.
