Sunday, April 3, 2016

Social Networking Sites

I am going to be comparing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. I feel like Facebook is definitely a lot more family oriented. Well for me at least. It is the most easiest way to interact with family and friends that you want to keep in touch with but don't necessarily want to be updated on all the time. Which brings me to the downside of Facebook, the way your page is displayed is based on the popularity of the post or who Facebook thinks you want to see, which I do not like. I feel like Instagram is good for promoting or showing something that you want to be seen in that instant of time. You post something up and you are able to use tags and users are able to view and like the post. The one thing I dislike about Instagram is that once you post something it stays in that spot so to speak. Its layout is gallery style, so if you posted something 3 years ago, you would have to do 3 years of scrolling to get back to that one post. It doesn't come alive again after its little instant shine. Tumblr is by far my favorite social networking site, because unlike Instagram it is a blog style, but people are able to reblog and like your posts. So if someone posts something 3 years and someone sees it and reblogs it onto their tumblr it becomes like new again. The only thing I do not like about tumblr is that it is very cliquey and people are very sensitive when it comes to opinions. As far as twitter goes I like that people are able to interact with someone in an instant and that it is limited to a certain number of characters. You are able to post your instantaneous thoughts in the palm of your hand and react to something quickly. 

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