Sunday, April 3, 2016

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds can be used to bridge community and creativity. It can be used to implement training programs for different professions. For example a surgeon can use virtual reality to practice on a hard surgery that they wouldn't be able to practice in real life. The pros to virtual worlds like mentioned in the article "Situated Learning in Virtual Worlds and Immersive Simulations" is the ability to support learning in new and innovative ways. The user is able to experience things that they would not have been able to experience before. The Cons for virtual worlds is the amount of time that it takes to create. And I feel like it distorts reality for individuals for example in the article "No Budget, No Boundaries: It’s the Real You" it speaks on a virtual reality world where people can basically make up this whole world of what they wish to be. I feel like this a real issue, because people literally spend time in these worlds which will more than likely never become a reality for them while neglecting the life that they have. As far as the future of virtual worlds I believe that as technology advances the cons of virtual worlds will lessen and it will come as close to reality as possible. 

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